
The provided dashboard exemplifies a concentration on sales, profit margins, and sales volumes. Additionally, there are multiple filters (Year,category and sab-category) to gain more insights .

Why Dashboard ?

The primary function of a dashboard is to offer a quick overview of key performance indicators (KPIs) and outcomes. Dashboards provide an interactive means of assessing the performance of a company or project.

The Process :

Typically, creating a dashboard requires a time frame ranging from 2 weeks to 2 months. This development process encompasses two key phases:

KPI Selection and Dashboard Design:
During this initial phase, the focus is on choosing the key performance indicators (KPIs) and designing the layout and appearance of the dashboard.
Data Collection and Dashboard Development:
In the second phase, the emphasis shifts to gathering the necessary data and constructing the functional elements of the dashboard.

These two phases together constitute the development timeline for a dashboard project.

The Results :

Through the utilization of dashboards, you can effortlessly uncover valuable insights. You have the ability to apply filters and explore various graphs, enabling you to access the pertinent information promptly and facilitating informed decision-making.